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Deliveries are made 3 - 5 days of order

Deliveries operate 5 days per week, Monday - Friday between the hours 9am to 4pm

How it works

We contact the customer within 24hrs of order being placed with a delivery date, on hearing from the customer we schedule delivery for the agreed delivery date, if the date is not suitable, please provide us with an alternative date. We cannot give specific time slots, we can however call ahead 20 - 30 minutes ahead to assist the customer with their day to day activities/commitments

Point of delivery

The driver can only offload to the back or side of truck 

We cannot take goods 'around the back', 'through the property', 'down the side', etc

We cannot proceed over un-made surfaces

The driver has the right not to proceed with delivery

Goods are to be checked and signed for

At the end of the day we all want to do our job with a smile!

Get in touch

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